CAN Bus ID 0x153 ASC1
From OpenGK
CAN Arbitration ID for ASC1 is 0x153.
Its sent out by the traction control module at a refresh rate of 10ms
- Byte 0 - ESP indicator?
- Always 0x00, values of 0x01 were recorded when ESP intervention occured during the logging session
- Byte 1 - unknown
- Byte 3 - MD_IND_ASC
- Torque intervention for ASC function
- Calculation = HEX * 0.390625
- Min: 0x00 (0.0%) max. reduction
- Max: 0xFF (99.6094%) no reduction
- Byte 4 - unknown
- Seems to always be 0x00. Might be reserved for MSR
- Byte 5 - Unused
- Always 0xFF
- Byte 6 - unknown
- Seems to always be 0x00. Might be reserved for MSR
- Byte 7 - Unused
- Seems to always be 0x00
Example messages:
00 80 48 FF 00 FF 00 00
00 80 38 FF 00 FF 00 00
00 80 0D FF 00 FF 00 00